How can you get the best out of your geyser and save on your household budget?
The most recent developments in South Africa's economic condition... Sasol recently stated that they intend to stop drilling or fracking for gas in Mozambique in 2026. The gas has provided most provinces with the means to cook, heat water, and stay warm in the winter. This move, might jeopardize an estimated 60,000 jobs.
I don't know about you, but I'm prepared to shop at different stores to ensure that I get the best prices when it comes to keeping an eye on our household grocery budget. So how can we become aware of saving on items in our homes that most of us overlook? Think tank, and it's most likely found in or on top of your roof. Ah, you've guessed correctly. It's your geyser... let's take a look.
Is your hot water brown?
It's taking longer to heat your water
Strange sounds coming from the roof, other than obvious creepy crawlies?
Are any of your plumbing components leaking water?
Hard water can clog up your geyser owing to buildup, which usually indicates that an anode needs to be replaced. An anode is a steel rod that attracts the harmful enzymes that cause corrosion in your geyser.
Like anything else, a geyser has components that need to be maintained to ensure longevity. Maintenance is required every 9 - 12 months. Plumbing parts that won't cost you an arm and a leg will keep your geyser running at optimum and save you in the long run... that's if you're not insured.
Keeping an eye on the health of your geyser might help you save money on your home budget. In addition, you may contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.
And now for the lighter side of plumbing...
"A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.” – Arthur Baer
Markus enjoys the Mario Brothers - here's a clip of them on their first plumbing job.
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